Cream-roll, cup cakes and Bakery

In '70s era Bhilai was not having a proper bakery shop, only in early 80s Max bakery set up a shop in sector 10 market. What I remember is vendors, whom we called breadwala, used to sell bakery items on bicycle. They used to visit twice a day on our streets, once in the morning around 6am - 7am and then in the evening 4pm - 5pm period with a big tin box fixed to the carrier of bicycle. Their arrival could be heard by the typical tone of the air horn sound made by pressing the rubber bulb at the end. Mostly they carried bread with other bakery items like rusk, cupcakes and cream-roll etc. Usually it's the mother who sounds the vendor for some items, and we kid used to gather around the tin box to smell the items and salivate looking at various items. We got the aroma of bakery items around that tin box of breadwala. Bread was not a usual item to be bought because that was very rarely used as breakfast item. Sometimes may be my mom would make those bread pakodas. Usually my mom would be buying cupcakes and cream-rolls. In those days these items would be costing a few paise only. 5-10 paise coins were still ruling in those days. Cupcakes have those paper base on which it is baked and after peeling them we used to smell the burnt baking aroma. Everyone would surely lick it before throwing the paper away, although not much would be on it to taste. My favourite was always the cream-rolls. The cover of crispy crust was always eaten first and the creamy core was kept for the last to savour. Then the sweetness of the cream would linger on the tongue for a long time...


  1. Excellent post. Brought back memories of my childhood and school days.


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